Real Customer Experience
Sep 30

A customer-centered industry

When we talk about a customer-centered experience, we are not only referring to the highest quality of our products. People usually only focus on the last step of the chain, but most of it, probably 90% of the result, has to do with things that happened with the first steps. There are many actions behind the final product that ensure a quality customer experience.
At Unispice, what truly defines the consumer experience in fresh produce is the product itself. However, when you break this down into factors, there is the eating experience and the consistency of that over time. A positive experience over time creates a consumer habit, trust, and loyalty. The benefits we give to our consumers are exactly that, they will always get the right product at the right time with a consistent quality.

Not only do we offer an excellent consumer experience but our products are also of higher quality because they were grown on regenerative farms. Operating under sustainable practices and having a data decision-making approach guarantees every step of the chain operates not only efficiently but also under the Born Standards, bringing transparency to the chain.

The cornerstone to guaranteeing this experience is traceability. This is not only a way for us to track our process but also a huge benefit for our customers, bringing transparency to the chain. Transparency is extremely important. We use technology to bring this transparency through the whole process, delivering many advantages for our customers and final consumers.

When we give our customers a consistently good experience, we create buying habits that significantly change consumption habits. This is a huge benefit to our customers because they can rely on providing their consumers with the best experience. If you can guarantee the right quality product consistently you add value to everyone involved in the chain.

At Unispice, we’ve designed a game-changer model that monitors the whole journey from before planting through to the end consumer. The best consumer experience reflects an efficient and resilient supply chain that guarantees consistent fill rates, the highest quality, food safety, and complete transparency. The most important factor is bringing full transparency to the industry from the source to our end customers.

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