“Sustainability includes the three dimensions of economic, social, and ecological development, which are interdependent and cannot exist without each other in the long run. Within the framework of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Goal 15 (Life on Land) was agreed upon, which shares common aspects with the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), aimed at achieving the 2050 vision of living in harmony with nature”. (WWF – UN Environment Programme, 2021)
Coexistence between humans and wildlife refers to people and wildlife living nearby in a dynamic state where the interests and needs of both humans and wildlife are generally satisfied. In order for this coexistence to be beneficial, Unispice has adopted the best production practices to conserve the connectivity of natural habitats on the farms, so that wildlife can move freely and to ensure that the productive infrastructure does not disrupt this connectivity.
Conscious that the survival of multiple terrestrial species depends on good ecological management and successful coexistence, Unispice has a policy of “Conservation and Growth of Flora and Fauna,” which dictates that “It is the company’s policy to operate in a way that conserves and enhances wildlife and the landscape, through the protection and management of natural habitats, in accordance with national and local legislation. These areas will not be treated with pesticides or fertilizers.” (Code AGR-D-007).
“Integrated and holistic approaches to human-wildlife conflict management allow species to survive in areas where their population would otherwise have declined or become extinct. Every species has an inherent right to survive and all species on our planet are essential to maintaining the health and functions of the ecosystem. Therefore, the benefits of coexistence can be reflected far beyond the survival of individual animals and species. All species are part of the complex web of life that provides the natural systems we depend on for clean air and water, fertile soils, and stable climate. Healthy ecosystems provide us with food, medicine, materials, and are a source of millions of jobs.” (WWF – UN Environment Programme, 2021)
Some species have movement patterns that often lead them to areas dominated by humans. Tolerance towards species and effective survival strategies allow these species to move through larger human-dominated landscapes. Unispice encourages the capacity and willingness of its farm personnel to coexist with wildlife and makes its infrastructure serve as corridors between landscapes, a crucial function according to WWF, as wildlife needs to move to different areas and connect with different populations.
Below are some species that the staff managed to capture with their cameras to include in this article: